Once you have given your life to Jesus and have become [Born Again] and the spirit of God is in you. You are now on your way to a victorious life if you will obey the Word of God and do what it says and what the Holy Spirit in you tells you. I will get into the scriptures in a bit.
The most victorious person and persons in existence are God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God cannot be defeated in any way by mankind or the devil and his demon minions. Jesus cannot be defeated in any way by mankind or satan and his demon minions. The Holy Spirit in the earth right now cannot be defeated by mankind or the devil and his demon minions. So if we want a victorious life in all areas it would be wise to listen to God on how we are to do this.
1] We know That Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are without sin. So it is obvious the sin must defeat us, so we must get rid of it in order to begin to walk in victory.
2] Jesus walked the earth in victory, leaving heaven and putting on flesh and becoming the Son of Man So He would know our sorrow and pain and suffering and temptations. Getting the victory over them in His own flesh body and never sinning once against God His Father. This is how He maintained His victory. He did what the Father showed Him to do and didn’t veer from it no matter what He felt. “He was tempted as we are but was without sin! [HEBREWS 4:15].
So Jesus felt the temptations of, anger, hate revenge, bitterness, unforgiveness, impatience, talking about others, judging others, slandering……….. But never once did He go outside the lines of the Holy Spirit in Him and sin against the Father by sinning and giving in to these temptations which are demonic. So Jesus was always In victory because He stayed in unity with His Father in Heaven. Jesus loved the Father and He had the love of the father in him for the people.
Remember that God sent Jesus into the world to save the world not condemn the world. If Jesus would have got into gossip, slander, malice, unforgiveness, hate. etc… He would have been condemning whoever He was talking about and God did not send Jesus to condemn anybody! Satan would have then had something to hold against Him, accusing Him before God. This would have disqualified Jesus because He would have broken fellowship with His Father who is not any of these things.
[GOD IS LOVE] [1 JOHN 4:16] “And we have known and believe the love that God has for us, God is love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him”.
So if you are abiding in God through love for Him, He then abides in you and you cannot lose. Jesus makes this happen by living in you and me, by the Holy Spirit in us when you ask Jesus into your life by your own personal invitation to Him to come into your heart and be your Lord. Sin stops the flow of God,s love in us and makes us vulnerable to satans attacks. [1JOHN 3:4,6] says, ” Whoever commits sin, commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifest to take away our sins, and in Him, there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him”.
Jesus said in [MATTHEW 28:18, 20]. And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, ” All authority has been given to Me both in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always even, even to the end of the age.
So God has set Jesus over all things because of His love of the Father and love of mankind and did not love His life unto death. [MARK 10:45] “for even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life for a ransom for many”.
So as you can see, It is through Love and forgiveness that we have a continual victory and satan cannot touch us. When can satan touch us? when we sin! we are doing the deeds of satan when we sin and the love of the Father cannot abide in us. God has to back off a little until we suffer at the hands of satan and your own stubborn will, aka, flesh enough to return to Him and repent so that fellowship with God is restored. This is repentance. This is why Jesus said in {JOHN 14:30,31} ” I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. ” But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment, so I do. Arise and let us go from here.
Jesus laid down his glory and came to earth to be like us. He left the earth sinless and went back to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. Now Jesus has come back to the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit to live in each one of us who are willing to give Him our lives. The victory over the earth and our enemies will come from the power of God in us through Jesus living in us. Jesus became like us and did not sin thus He was qualified to be our savior, the lamb. Innocent without spot wrinkle or blemish before God. So God and Jesus allowed Jesus’ blood to be shed for all mankind. [HEBREWS:9,22] says, “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. [CANCELLATION OF DEBT, CHARGE, OR PENALTY.]
So when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart you are also receiving His shed blood for you. God then sees the blood, and that you have received His Son as savior thus God Himself comes to reside in you because your heart, the temple of God has been cleansed by the Blood of His Son. You are now a holy temple unto God purged of sin through the blood. God gives you then a new heart, aka spirit, the Holy Spirit that is willing to listen and obey the things that God wants to do and build in you. You are now a son or daughter of the Kingdom of God.
Our part then is to obey what He says and do it just as you would as a child obey your earthly father when he tells you to do something. Jesus’ love for you will attract you. He will never steer you wrong and is always looking to the development of your Spirit and soul. The body, our flesh is to be denied its sinful pleasures and lusts. It must be brought under control so that we don’t sin against God and become vulnerable to satans schemes. Jesus did this in his own flesh when He was on the earth. He did not let His own flesh dictate to Him. Instead, Jesus dictated to His own flesh and made it do what His Father in heaven wanted it to do.
Do you think that Jesus’s flesh wanted to go to the cross and die for the people????? NO!!!
Jesus flesh was fighting Him. Jesus’ heart and soul wanted to go to the cross in obedience and love for the Father’s will but His flesh was fighting Him. Pain and suffering come through the flesh. Jesus prayed in the garden just before He was to Go to the cross and God gave Him the victory to go through with it. If you look at what it says, Jesus [demeanor] changed after prayer. He was now set to go to the cross and suffer it. Jesus then expects us to deny our flesh at times it wants to sin against God and go through a little suffering to say no to it. He gives us the power to do so. In the act of our obedience, we get more of the Spirit of God and manifest more love in your heart as a result. More peace. Sin takes away peace and makes us feel like we’re on our own.
[MATTHEW 26: 38, 46] Then He said to them [Jesus] ” My soul is exceedingly sorrowfully, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me. He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, ” Oh my Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me, never the less, not as I will, but as You will.” Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
Again a second time, He went away and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.” And He came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy. So He left them, went away again, and prayed, the third time saying the same words. Then He came to His disciples and said to them, ” Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.
So Jesus denied His own flesh brought it into obedience to the cross by the grace of God. Here is some things it means to us if you are saved and born again and Jesus is your, Lord. Just because we are saved doesn’t mean we are not tempted. We are tempted through our own flesh desires and through satanic influence of thoughts and infliction to the body also. Satan cannot enter a believer”s heart, but he can sure make life miserable unless we keep walking with God and stay strong in His will. The more we die to personal sin in our own members by giving it to Christ, the less trouble we will have in this world especially when dealing with people.
If you have put to death slander in your life. You cannot be tempted to slander. If you have put away hate in your life by the grace and love of God, and have replaced it with love, you cannot be tempted to hate. If you have put away contention in your life and replaced it with meekness, you cannot be tempted to contend with people all the time, you will have peace. If you put away adultery in your life, you cannot be successfully tempted by adultery. If you have been delivered of drug and alcohol abuse, you cannot be successfully tempted by it. If you have been delivered of fornication in your life by God, you cannot be successfully tempted to go back. All these are on the condition that Jesus has delivered you, and you do not decide to go back to them after you are delivered. When I was delivered of alcoholism, drinking every day of the week. I did not go back to it after it was gone from me.
Here is a testimony of the victory of love that happened to me. It was not easy. When I was working at a plant in Missouri, there was a 25 or so year old woman trainer, who was teaching the new employees their jobs and new duties. She started coming into my work area and just shooting the breeze with some of these employees. Sitting down and kinda getting in my way. I finally went up to her and said can you find another place to talk to your trainees? She went full bore narcissistic. She started yelling at me and saying, who are you to tell me where I can sit? I can sit where ever I want and you call yourself a man of God! Her mouth was wide open in utter defiance and self-righteousness. She was doing this in front of another person. It was a Jezebel spirit operating in her and manifesting. She thought she owned the plant because of her leadership position. Pride and arrogance.
I told her, ” you are making this into something more than it is. Inside I was fighting back the temptation to knock her on her rear end. I wanted to slap that arrogance right off of her mug. I healed back and did not give in to the spirit of hate and anger and revenge that were hovering around me to do that woman some serious harm. I resisted my flesh to sin. So she walked out and I calmed down, my blood was at the boiling point. [FOOTNOTE] Women need to realize that their being female doesn’t matter after a while when they mouth off to a man and think the man cant hit them. We feel the same emotions as when a guy mouths off at us. We get in fight mode regardless if it’s female or male. But we make an extra effort so as to not seriously injure the woman or go to jail. But the feelings are the same. Continuing with my testimony;
Less than a week went by from when this incident occurred. Then on Friday, my co-worker said, “did you hear what happened to Kathy the trainer? I said no, what? Long story short, she was in the cafeteria and was mouthing off to a guy that she use to date his son. She was on one of her loud mouth binges again in front of all the people in the cafeteria, yelling at this guy. This guy couldn’t take that and he got up and knocked her down on the floor and was slapping her and who knows what. This woman was on the floor screaming and no doubt asking for help. Her big mouth couldn’t get her out of that.
The man got fired. but I didn’t see that Kathy for a whole week. Then she started walking by my work area and I said high to her. I chose to forgive her, but I knew God would fight my battle especially when she mocked me about being a man of God. [people called me that, not me, and she heard it]. She eventually started talking to me and sitting down with me and letting me preach the gospel to her. God had mercy on her and I even gave her a book from Smith Wigglesworth that she accepted. It was a great turnaround. She got some humility. She could listen now.
I had to choose to walk in love and forgiveness or I would have surely sinned and lost my job. But by the grace of God, He heald me back.
To you people who read this blog but do not have Christ in your heart. Jesus works from the inside out not the outside in. [JOHN 14:23] Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him and make Our home with him. [REVELATION 3:20] Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him and he with Me.
This is the door of your heart that can be only opened by you yourself by believing His message. Walking in the victorious love of God is impossible for an unbeliever because Jesus is not inside of you to accomplish it. you are on your own then. Jesus is no respecter of persons. Make Him your Lord today and walk in the victory of love.
Gods love is this,” Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. LOVE NEVER FAILS.
Walk like this and we will rule, not sin. Faith in God is not easy but what seems impossible can be done.