We can have dark thoughts or thoughts of light. When we think dark thoughts we begin to surround ourselves with darkness in the spirit realm. The demonic realm picks up on it and is attracted to it for an open door to come into your life more and inflict you. Even potentially bringing you to a place of despair. [The complete loss or absence of hope]. This then can bring thoughts of suicide or escapism into drugs, alcohol, sex, entertainment, and all the crutches of the lower realm. If you dont know this or know what you are fighting, how can you escape it?

Before I talk about this, I will tell you what I saw years ago. I used to work part time at a tv station. I had the night shift on weekends. From midnight Friday till noon on Saturday, and midnight Saturday till noon on Sunday. 24 hours per weekend. I was The master control operator for their programming. This was a fully operational tv station with live news, weather, sports.

When I worked nights I was the only one in the building, every one else was gone for the day. I was seeing– APPARITIONS. [Ghost or ghost like images of a person.] I would see any where from 1 or 2 to sometimes as many as 4 or five on different nights. Some times they would be right behind me and I would turn around to see who walked into the building. I am a Born again believer and have Jesus in my Spirit so these demons did not scare me. They were like full size humans and when I would look at them they would disappear.

One day when my shift ended at noon, the day time master controller came in for his shift and I said to him, “boy was it busy here last night”! He said what do you mean? I said ” I saw APPARITIONS walking the halls last night. He said, Oh we see them here all the time and make jokes about it.

These demonic spirits influence the programming and the news that go,s out to the public and then moves on your thoughts as a viewer. I ran movies that were on the program schedule that came against my conscience and bothered me because their content was so wicked. It bothered me that I was running the movie reaching 3 tri States.

How many times do you walk away from the news and feel really good about what you saw? It is generally bad. News is brought up in a negative way to move on your thoughts and bring you into hopelessness and depression. Then your thoughts are negative and hopeless which then surround you in more darkness that attracts the demonic realm to you because these are thoughts of darkness. Its a vicious circle! Satan comes to Steal, kill and Destroy. [John 10:10] Satan is Gods enemy!!! We are the prize he is after. To keep us in darkness and never come to the place of calling out to God for salvation.

By satan destroying a life, he keeps God from getting that soul into Heaven, thus attacking God through His creation. Satan cannot defeat God, so he attacks us. Evil thoughts are destructive to us and our neighbor. Thoughts are seeds. Like a seed we will always get more than we have sown. What ever we have sown it will be multiplied back to us. Hate your neighbor you will get back more that you gave. Love your neighbor, eventually it will come back to you.

[Galations 6:7,8] Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for “what a man sows that he will also reap. For he to sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life.

[John 10:10] [Jesus speaking] The thief does not come but to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. Satan hates you and me and wants to destroy us. He doesnt care how. He looks for your weeknesses and exploits it. All he has to do is keep you believing lies about God by controlling your thought life. This includes believing false religions that keep you distracted and believing you ok.

Now thoughts of light!

As we think on good things it attracts light. Good thoughts produce good results and is beneficial to your neighbor. Good thoughts make progress in business and relationships. Love is the ultimate good thought because love does no ill to his neighbor and it is self sacrificing.

[!chorinthians 13:3,8] And though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, [thinks no evil aka.. good thoughts;] does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. LOVE NEVER FAILS.

A man or woman reaps what they sow. Walking in this kind of love will attract good things to you. And when bad comes, you will overcome it because you are anchored in Christ. It is impossible to walk fully in this kind of love without Jesus in you, doing the work. We have a fallen sinful heart that has to be changed out by believing in Jesus. Then He will give you a new heart through the Holy Spirit entering you.

Here is the word for this. [Romans 2:14,15]” for when gentiles aka.. non Jewish people], by nature do the things written in the law, these all though, not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.”

So we have a conscience that God has given us to start with. It doesnt mean we are right with God yet. So we have the law of God written on our heart when we are born through the conscience. We can feel right and wrong. If we live our lives only according to the conscience then the scripture says that we are a law unto ourselves. In other words we pick and choose what we want to obey in our conscience or not obey. You are then in your own self righteousness, not Gods. aka.. A LAW UNTO YOURSELF.

Obeying the conscience only is flawed and unreliable. You are your own God if you think it will get you into Heaven because you have become the decider of what is right or wrong or what is acceptable in society even if it comes directly against the word of God. God gave the conscience to us as a wittness of Himself to us in our hearts. He wants us to see we cannot do it by ourselves and we cannot love by ourselves. When we fail in our conscience and then sin and guilt builds up because we cannot get rid of it, He waits for us to invite Him in. He then washes away your total past and then puts a new spirit in you.

You have then put away your own self righteousness and have taken His righteousness. This is the only righteousness God accepts.

Bad people doing good works doesnt make them righteous people. their heart is still wicked and God sees the heart.

[John 6: 35,37] And Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. But I have said to you that you have seen Me and yet do not believe. All the Father gives me will come to Me, and the one who come to Me I will by no means cast out.

God does not just look at our works but He looks at our hearts and minds also. He wants all parts of us righteous. [Phillipians 4: 6,7] Be anxious for nothing but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Your thought life is Very serious to God. He will help you.

This dream was given to me march 9th before George Floyed died May 25th and the riots ever got started and we werent sure of the covid 19 implications yet.

Covid 19 dream from God.


On March 9th, 2020 I had a very vivid dream. I was standing on an American street in some town. Dont know where. As I looked around I saw piles and piles of crap like sand dunes all over the street, you would have to walk over them like sand dunes, there was so much of it. I couldnt see the road. Laying in the crap was human skulls scattered here and there. No bodys just skulls.

I heard a mob to my right and turned and looked and there was a huge mob of people on the war path. They were trying to come after me so I picked up two pieces of pipe in a scrap pile and screwed them together to fight them because I knew I couldnt get away. They reminded me of Sodom and Gamora. When I turned to face them, they couldnt move and come after me. God was preventing them from coming after me. God protects his own!

Suddenly I was transported to a wear house where I was standing next to a commercial garbage can. I was pulling out the liner full of garbage and it was a see through plastic bag. As I pulled it out there was a roll of one hundred dollar bills throw away inside the bag. There was a man standing far off watching me for whatever reason but did nothing.


The mobs were satanic in nature. The crap and death that was all over the streets was their words and curses and hate coming out of their mouths and they were filling the streets with it in the Spirit realm. Witchcraft and intimidation and fear. Skulls were death in the streets and satanic minds.

Remember that Satin comes to steal, kill, and destroy. [John 10:10] That is what they are doing. Look at their fruit aka..deeds.

The money being throw away has to do with the covid 19. It was sent not only to lower the world population but to destroy the American dollar currency through fear of people handling it hand to hand in favor of electronic currency and breaking the American economy. The deep state going after our God- given freedom again.

I bring this dream up also to show you what evil thoughts do and the darkness it brings like these mobs.

Turn to Jesus with this prayer. Lord I ask you to come into my life and give me a new heart and forgive me of all my past sins. Be the Lord of my life. AMEN!

Romans 10:9,10 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

God really loves you and values you. Read your Bible and surch for Him and He will come to you.

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