[CONDEMN, meaning] To declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation. To pronounce guilt, convict. Sentence, DOOM. : condemn prisoners to die.
[CONVICTION, meaning] The act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime or especially in a court of law. [1 Strong persuasion or belief. [2:The act of convincing a person of error or of compelling the admission of truth. [3: The state of being convinced of error or compelled to admit the truth.
Let’s lay the groundwork. [JOHN 16: 7,13] NIV “Never the less I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because you do not believe in me; of righteousness, I go to my Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.”
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However when He the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” End scripture.
As you can see by the definitions above, conviction and condemnation are different. CONDEMNATION is final! CONVICTION says that :The act of convincing a person of error or compelling the admission of truth. :The state of being convinced of error or compelled to admit the truth.
Jesus said in [JOHN 3:18] NIV He who believes in Him [JESUS] is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
So Jesus came into this world to save a condemned already mankind. To condemn us wouldn’t even make sense because we are already born doomed. So Jesus came into the world to save us. He took the punishment Himself in our place from God because God has to judge sin and eliminate it. So anyone receiving Jesus as their savior will not have to suffer the wrath of God for your own sins. He is giving us an opportunity to change our hearts, and change our minds. God is giving us all an opportunity to come clean! to admit we are sinners. To admit we can’t help ourselves. To admit we need help. To admit we need a savior. To admit we need a new heart. To admit we need a new beginning in Christ. That was one of the missions of John the Baptist. To be a light of God, calling men and women to repentance. People came to His baptism confessing their sins and repenting. Then John steered those people to Jesus after that. THEY WERE HONEST WITH THEMSELVES AND GOD.
Jesus is taking us by His Holy Spirit and showing us that whatever belief system that we are living by that we have created over the years is wrong. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth! If He is to live inside you and me, we must want and love the truth. This means we must face ourselves and look at who and what we are and what we have become. This means you don’t point fingers and blame others even if they have done you wrong because once the sin of hate or unforgiveness or bitterness etc… is in you, it doesn’t matter how it got there. You must confess it to Jesus your high priest to God and ask Him to remove it from you. So the Holy Spirit will convict you of this, not condemn you, so you can bring it to the surface and confess it to God. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God does not violate our free will.
God then will fill that void in your heart and replace the sin with more of Himself. You will be closer to God and have more peace than before. You will have passed the test of repentance and obedience to Jesus your Lord. You then will have more faith because will experience His deliverance and thus will love Jesus even more. When I was saved in 1985, I was a full-blown alcoholic. Drinking every day of the week. I drank beer on weekdays so I could go to work and hard liquor on weekends. I came out of the nightclub seen. I was a rock and roll DJ at 5 different nightclubs. When I got saved in July of 1985 in my living room, within 1 week of that event I was completely delivered of alcoholism. It was completely gone! As if it was never there, to begin with. The Holy Spirit had filled that void in my heart. It was really remarkable. It had nothing to do with my own self-will. God had replaced that sin with Himself. I have been saved since 1985 now and have never drunk another drop of alcohol. I am free and will not slap God in the face and go back to that lifestyle again. NOTE. THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN MY LIFE LIKE THIS UNTIL I RECEIVED JESUS IN MY HEART AS SAVIOR. This is the freedom you can experience and more to get released from all your bondages if you will believe and receive Jesus as Lord and turn to Him.
So we being prisoners of sin are being released from sin and set free. It is freeing to have all bitterness gone. It is freeing to have all hate gone. It is freeing to have gossip and backbiting gone. it is freeing to have all adultery gone. It is freeing to have all fornication gone. It is freeing to have alcohol and drug addiction gone. It is freeing to have murder gone even if you haven’t done the act but want to. It is freeing to have selfishness gone. It is freeing to have sexual perversity gone. It is freeing to have wrath or violent temper gone. It is freeing to have all envy and jealousy gone. As these things are cleansed from us we walk in the Spirit in higher realms with Jesus and He handles the impossible we have come up in our lives. As you follow your calling in life you will run into your own limits, that’s where we get in faith and believe God and His strength takes over where ours cant go.
So many plans and visions that God has put in your heart are to big for you to do. We need Gods ability to live the impossible. He intended it that way. We need to get out of our box we live in and embrace the impossible that looks impossible but is not, when you attach yourself to Jesus and work with Him to accomplish your dreams.
Your freedom and mine are in the fruit of the Spirit of God, ” LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF -CONTROL. Against such, there is no law. Someone who walks in these virtues doesn’t need the law to control him or her because someone who walks in these virtues will not harm anyone and will treat his neighbor as himself. Thus there is no need for law for that person. These virtues are what Heaven and every person there are full of. The people of Heaven are free but it began in their lives when they were still on Earth.
This comes by honesty and confessing it to the father and asking the forgiveness by the blood of Jesus whom you made your savior. Of which you now have access to His life and blood so you can approach the Father and be delivered of all these miseries and sins. So you can see that blaming others is nothing but pride and a deflection of your responsibility to confess your own sin and be made whole. You cannot bring someone else’s sin to God to get it erased, only your own in order to maintain the fellowship with you and God and Jesus. God will get the sin out of the way to prepare us for our real purpose in life. God erases it quickly as we confess so we can go on to our relationship with Him.
[TESTIMONY] I was saved like I said in 1985. A few months after I had received the Holy Spirit, Satan had put it into some guys heart to to break into my garage and steal my off road ATV, All terrain vehicle. This was designed to discourage me and get me to doubt God and even blame Him for the theft. God does not do these things but Satan does. Satan comes to kill steal and destroy. I got up at about 4:30 in the morning to be to work by 5:00 am. As I went outside to get into my van, my garage door was open. I had locked it last night. I looked inside and sure enough my ATV was missing. Who ever stole it broke into the back window of the garage.
[testimony cont…] I knew right away that this was an attack from Satan directly on my faith towards God. I literally said out loud in my backyard. SATAN I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS. I KNOW YOU HAD THIS ATV STOLEN AND NOW I DEMAND IT BACK! GOD, I THANK YOU FOR GETTING MY ATC BACK TO ME, YOU KNOW IT’S STILL NOT COMPLETELY PAID FOR YET AND I THANK YOU.
I had handed the problem over to God! I had confessed by faith what was to happen with my words! So I called the police and they came over and took the report and looked at my title for the ATV. I was late for work. I told my brother about it who was working in the same place as me and he said he would help me look for it after work. I lived in a big metropolitan area. 4 cities basically tied together. where was I even supposed to start looking? 30,000 people at least. My answer came after I got home from work that very same day.
I drove up into my drive way and as I got out of my van a woman came running up to me and aske, ” Did some one steal you ATV out of your garage last night? I said yes. She said that she thinks she knows who stole it. She explained that they run a half way house across the yard and one of their residence had seen me riding my son on the back of the ATV in my back yard. He had planned an escape and decided to steal my ATV and go running off to his home city of Oshkosh. This woman was the first answer to my prayer to God to get my ATV back. It gave me a direction to go by showing me at least what city to look for it.
So my brother and I searched Oshkosh for days after work. I went to the police there and filed a report right away. So for two weeks I searched Oshkosh riding trails and just drove around and kept checking with the police to see if they had seen anything. Always no. It was looking hopeless because of the span of time already gone by now. Off-road bikes are usually parted out or destroyed and left in a ditch by now. I was hearing anything from God these 2 weeks as I was searching by faith and waiting on God to do the impossible while I was doing the practical. Where my efforts are exhausted God’s begins. The 2 of us working together. I was in Oshkosh 1 more time on a Saturday. I stopped at a stop sign and just said real quick, God you don’t want me to find this ATV, do you?
Just then after I said this, He spoke to my spirit, my heart. [Remember that a saved person has God living in them.] He said to me, “go to the Honda motorcycle shop out by the new prison and ask the man behind the desk where there is dirt trails for off road riding. God then showed me the motorcycle shop in a vision in my mind because I had seen it before. So I obeyed the voice of God and went out to the motorcycle shop and talked to the man behind the desk. I asked question, where can people ride off road? He told me that people have been riding out at the the new prison area. I thanked him and went out that way. This new prison was built on the outskirts of the city. As I was out there, I came up on a stop sign out on a country road. I was where I was supposed to be. I was ready to quit. Then i looked to my right and saw about a half mile down an ATV with 4 guys standing around it on the country road.
So I turned that way thinking if it’s not mine that these guys might have seen my ATV somewhere. As I got closer and closer it really started looking like my ATV. God started giving me a boldness and I pulled my van right up to the ATV to get a good look at it and make those guys get out of the way. It had a flat tire and that what God had arranged to stop them on the road where I could see them. I had my driver’s window down and this big guy started yelling, this is my ATV, I have had it for six months!!! So I knew which one he was. I went on the attack but I neglected to do a little something that I should have done first. Put my van in park, wooooops. I climbed out to attack and there my van went down the road.
One of the other guys yelled and I was able to get it before there was any damage. So I went up to this guy and punched him right between the eyes and told those other guys first that this one guy stole this ATV out of my garage and is wanted by the police. then I punched the guy again and told him that you better turn yourself in because the cops are looking for you. The other guys helped me load the ATV into my van. God had made it so they feared enough that we didn’t have a garden variety fist fest.
Just to finish this testimony and show you this was not so-called luck, I called my brother and told him what God had done and got my ATV back. He couldn’t believe it because it was a needle in a haystack. My brother is not a believer. So I get a call from my brother a couple of weeks later and he told me that someone broke into his garage and stole his ATV. I am not making this up! I said is there anywhere we can search? He said no that he wouldn’t know where to begin. I said, can I pray for you that God will get your ATV back as He did mine? He said sure, go ahead. I said, “God you got my ATV back and now I ask that you would show my brother that you are there and get his ATV back in Jesus name and I thank you for it. He said thanks.
Within a week he gave me a call and said, you’re not going to believe this, I found my ATC! I said, where? He said, he took his little son to the railroad trax to catch butterflies and as he was there he saw three lanes in the high grass matted down like a three-wheel ATV went through there. So he followed the trax to a shed about 4 houses down and looked in the shed and there his ATV was along with his son’s skateboard. He called the police and took it home but the guy who stole it was long gone. It was his girlfriend’s house.
A few years later I met the guy who stole the ATV and he had become a Christian since then and put away the party life. He told me that he stole the ATV for drug money and he was going to take the ATV up to Minnesota to sell it for drugs where he was from. But he suddenly got real disinterested and just left it in that shed. So my brother got his ATV back and the guy who stole it didn’t get the crime on his record, God knowing that he would be one of His children soon.
In my case, I forgave the guy who stole my ATV and actually prayed for him knowing all the sins God has forgiven me and continues to forgive whenever I do sin now but confess it. I judge myself. The man who did this clearly did me wrong and if I would have harbored bitterness or hate or revenge toward him, I would have retained them in my own soul and would have had to confess it to the Father anyway because the iniquity would have been in me regardless of how or why it got there. God makes sure His children are clean. God also loves the guy who stole the ATV and wants him in heaven also. Hopefully, that incident was a turning point in that man’s life for the good.
So this is what God will do for us believers. When things look impossible, do what you can and hand the impossible to God. He will talk to you and help you. DRAW NEAR TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU. Search for Him in his word and He will come to you. So the lesson here is to forgive, be honest with yourself and God about your life. Do what He says and you will be blessed. Forgive others because you have been forgiven because you are a believer. Then, in turn, you can love yourself and know God’s love for you, and then because you know that you are loved by God you are able to love the unloveable because God has you overflowing in His love, therefore, you have love to give. Remember we are taking on God’s character and getting ready to live in Heaven. There is work to do.
[1 JOHN 1:9,10] NIV If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and the word is not in us.
[1 CORINTHIANS 11: 31,32] NIV For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.
Jesus said unless a man be born again he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. [JOHN 3:3] Ask Jesus to be your Lord and savior today. Ask Him in your heart and give your life to Him. You can trust Him with you’re very life and then get in the word of God and meet Him. Remember that God unconditionally loves you and tells you to come just as you are, with the bark on! He will do the transforming of your heart. BE BLESSED ALL OF YOU AND THANK YOU FOR READING THE BLOG’S