Hello people. This is my 1st entry to my blog. I was saved in 1985. I have submitted my life to Jesus for 35 years. I was called by Jesus to preach through an audible visitation, then a dream where Jesus selected me and others in a large crowd for ministry. I had a visitation from Jesus come into my room and speak to me. Also I have had a Angel visit me while I was sleeping and it woke me up.
I have been an elder at two different churches and much more. I have gotten many prophetic dreams that I have seen come to pass. Both personal and concerning America. This is just some of my back ground.
What I want to give you people is what the Holy Spirit will give me to give you. I want to answer a lot of life,s questions for you.
I will be covering Issues of life to take a lot of the confusion out of it and give you the God written owners manual to life.
God Loves You. He wants you in heaven with Him and will do everything He can to get you there. He wants to bless your life right now on Earth before you ever get to Heaven.
But there is something you must do first. Because God has Love for mankind He has given us a free will. The only way you can truly love some one is through a free will. We cannot be forced to Love. So God gave us a free will to be able to come to Him freely by accepting His son Jesus. Jesus has been sent by God as the Good will savior. You can only love God through your free will, He already loves you.
Jesus is the mediator between God and man. You cannot get to God without Jesus. It is impossible. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together in unity, each doing a different kind of function but after the same result. A love filled restored relationship between us- mankind, and God.
God is not a religion, He is a relationship!!! He is not a system. We are made in His image. He talks, walks hurts ,loves, has a sense of humor, He has communicating relationships with people. He made us in His image, so He feels what we feel.
But His character is Holy. He has no sin nor can He sin. Sin originated from His enemy the fallen angel satan, who took also a third of the angelic hosts with him in his rebellion towards God and left Heaven to come to Earth and steal what God had given to us, [The Earth.] Satan through his rebellion and deception stole the Earth from Adam and Eve and took what God had originally gave us. He became the God of this world and we became as mankind, spiritually disconnected from God.
Now Jesus has been sent to restore that relationship that was lost in the garden of Eden.
A pine tree produces a pine tree. A rabbit produces a rabbit. A Horse produces a horse. A tomato produces a tomato.
Everything produces after its own kind and as a result of the handing over the world to satan, sin came into the world, so fallen sinful man produces fallen sinful man. The only way to break out of it is to receive Jesus to get God back into your life.
Sin is under a curse by God, So come out from under the curse and be blessed and free and have a relationship with your Heavenly father. God is only your father if you will receive His son Jesus whom He sent to you.
I have a lot to tell from the Lord, Lots of testimony also of what God has done in my life to show you that He is real and want to be in your life.
Until the next entry, remember God love you and you can love Him and know Him personally by receiving Jesus.